Social Studies

The major distinctions between the Social Studies 10-2/20-2/30-2 courses and the 10-1/20-1/30-1 courses will be in the areas of organization for instruction, instructional methodology, resources and evaluation strategies. Social is offered in two routes: Social 10-1, 20-1 and 30-1 or Social 10-2, 20-2, and 30-2. The academically rigorous -1 route is designed for students who intend to enroll in a degree program at a post-secondary institution. The -2 route is more general in nature and is designed for students who plan to enroll in a diploma program at the post-secondary level, or enter the workforce out of high school. Please note all students must obtain either Social 30-1 or Social 30-2 to earn an Alberta High School Diploma.


Social Studies 10-1, 20-1, 30-1

Credits: 5
Prereq: Successful completion of SOCIAL STUDIES 9
(65% recommended)
Students will explore multiple perspectives on the origins of globalization and the local,
national and international impacts of globalization on lands, cultures, economies, human rights and quality of life. Students will examine the relationships among globalization, citizenship and identity to enhance skills for citizenship in a globalizing world. The infusion of multiple perspectives will allow students to examine the effects of globalization on peoples in
Canada and throughout the world, including the impact on Aboriginal and Francophone communities.

Credits: 5
Prereq: Successful completion of SOCIAL STUDIES 10-1                                 (60% recommended)
Students will explore the complexities of nationalism in Canadian and international contexts. They will study the origins of nationalism and the influence of nationalism on
regional, international and global relations. The infusion of multiple perspectives will
allow students to develop understandings of nationalism and how nationalism contributes to the citizenship and identities of peoples in Canada.

Credits: 5
Prereq: Successful completion of SOCIAL STUDIES 20-1
Students will explore the origins and complexities of ideologies and examine multiple perspectives regarding the principles of classical and modern liberalism. An analysis of
various political and economic systems will allow students to assess the viability of the
principles of liberalism. Developing understandings of the roles and responsibilities associated with citizenship will encourage students to respond to emergent global issues.

Social Studies 10-2, 20-2, 30-2

Credits: 5
Prereq: Successful completion of Social Studies 9
Students will explore historical aspects of globalization as well as the effects of globalization
on lands, cultures, human rights and quality of life. Students will explore the relationships among globalization, citizenship and identity. The infusion of multiple perspectives will allow
students to examine the effects of globalization on peoples in Canada and other
locations, including the impact on Aboriginal and Francophone communities. Students will develop skills to respond to issues emerging in an increasingly globalized world.

Credits: 5
Prereq: Successful completion of SOCIAL STUDIES 10-2
Students will examine historical and contemporary understandings of nationalism in
Canada and the world. They will explore the origins of nationalism as well as the impacts of
nationalism on individuals and communities in Canada and other locations. Examples of
nationalism, ultranationalism, supranationalism and internationalism will be examined
from multiple perspectives. Students will develop personal and civic responses to emergent
issues nationalism.

Credits: 5                                                                                                       Prereq: Successful completion of SOCIAL STUDIES 20-2
Students will examine the origins, values and components of competing ideologies. They will explore multiple perspectives regarding relationships among individualism, liberalism, common good and collectivism. An examination of various political and economic systems will allow students to determine the of the values of liberalism. Developing understandings of the roles and responsibilities associated with citizenship will encourage students to respond to emergent global issues.

Social Studies 10-4, 20-4

(5 credits each)
Rational and Philosophy
Social studies provides opportunities for students to develop the attitudes, skills and
knowledge that will enable them to become engaged, active, informed and responsible citizens. Recognition and respect for individual and collective identity is essential in a pluralistic and democratic society. Social studies helps students develop their sense of self and community, encouraging them to affirm their place as citizens in an inclusive, democratic society.